Pin Loom

Pin looms are one of the most accessible and portable looms available to weavers. They come in many shapes and sizes, including squares, rectangles, and even hearts, triangles, and hexagons. Most weavers will end up with multiple pin looms to achieve different shapes, but the 4" square loom is a great place to begin. Just remember that the loom you use will determine the woven fabric pieces you can make with it.

In this category, we've gathered a selection of pin-loom articles, projects, and patterns for you to enjoy.

Spend a Day at the Beach with Little Looms

It should come as no surprise that when we were choosing our themed sections for the 2019 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms, the first one I suggested was Summers at the Shore.

Take a Trip to the Mountains with Little Looms

The 2019 edition of Easy Weaving with Little Looms is dedicated to weaving that evokes a sense of place. When we first came up with the project themes for this issue, having a section dedicated to woodsy weaving was a no-brainer.

Weave a Baby Shark (Doo Doo Doo Doo)

Baby Shark doo doo doo doo. On a pin loom doo doo doo doo. Baby shark doo doo doo doo.

You Need a Wolf Scarf and Other Reasons to Check Out Little Looms

For the 2019 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms, the project that caught my eye immediately was Margaret Stump’s pin-loom woven (Not So) Big Bad Wolf Scarf.

Little Looms Summer 2019

With this issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms, I invite you to put down the phone, turn down the static, and find a reason to take a trip to (or with!) your loom.

Weave a Pin Loom Pet for National Love Your Pet Day

Weave a pet—all it takes is a pin loom, a few put-ups of yarn, and a copy of Zoo Crew. While these pin-loom pets are certainly not the same as the real deal, there are a few ways in which they surpass their flesh-and-blood counterparts.

Which Way Market Bag

As an added bonus, the project is written so you can weave chevron designs into your pin loom squares using strategically placed floats. The bag would look amazing in simple plain weave, but if you want to up your pin-loom weaving repertoire the Which Way

Grape Table Topper

Artists in cultures from around the world used tiny little pieces of tile to create works of art from simple, figured designs to scenes from famous stories of the time. In her table topper, Gabi uses the same method to create a beautiful bunch of grapes.

Busy Schedules and Pin-looms

I’m writing this one full week before Easter and so far the bunny I’m weaving on the pin-loom is a work in progress. I’ve spent many happy hours weaving pin-loom square

Whip Stitch Tutorial

The whip stitch is a great way to join pieces of woven fabric together that creates a nearly invisible seam on the "right" side of the fabric.